Yeah yeah, on up Mount Kenya
So we did finally go up Mount Kenya. We left fairly early as you do. The walk is actually quite easy going up to the next hut although that is looking back on it with plenty of perspective. Be prepared to be left breathless by everything, pretty literally.
There are buffalo quite a long way up the mountain so you might see them. What you will also definately get to see are Hiluxes, no not cars, that's the Kenyan way of saying Hiraxes, the whole "r" vs "l" problem. On the same on note Giant Robiria are actually Lobelias
Here is a Hyrax's bum
And here is its front, a pretty picture from Google images.
We pondered on up to the 2nd hut, arriving at about 3 in the afternoon. There were some other people there and some more arrived, both people on the way up and on the way down. The second hut is just under the mountain although you can't actually see Lenana point. This is probably a good thing as what you can see is a very steep hill which you have to climb.
Having arrived quite early at the hut we were again pleased that we were cooking our own food, except not quite so pleased that we forgot to bring any oil. You see my sister had climbed Kilimanjaro when she was at school (which we didn't get to forget all the way up Mt Kenya) and apparently the secret ingrediant to climbing mountains is popcorn. So we'd carried popcorn all the way so far but without any way of cooking it. We settled down outside in the sun to try to cook it (too cold inside) and promptly burnt it onto the pan. Luckily someone nice found us before we completely distroyed the pan so we had popcorn. It was at this point, yeah I know pretty dumb, that we realised that we didn't have any waterproofs. Well Mark did, but he's a planner so what do you expect. So luckily we had been organised enough to bring bin bags to waterproof our stuff! Having pondered this problem and then having nothing else to do we had supper, a short chat, a wonder about and went to bed.
Making popcorn
If it had rained, I'm pretty sure we'd never have made it. But our luck was in and it was the most fabulous night. It was a full moon, clear sky, it was so light that we didn't need torches (which was lucky since that's something else I'd forgotten). We could see for miles. It really was absolutely freezing, I've spent the winter in Russia but this was the coldest place I'd ever been. I had every piece of clothing on, I was climbing a seriously steep scree face and I was cold! We got to the top first and got to hold the cross thingy that's there. It just is amazing up there.
At the top
It has to be said that the way down is great to start with but gets tiring. It takes a whole lot longer than you expect and we had a car at the hut to drive the last bit done. Ah but the shower... wow! I couldn't really move much for a while after this trip but wow was it worth it.
Wow, and that was a tan that washed off completely.