Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Playing Hockey in Kenya

Now this may be a post targeted at very few, I know. Bet there may be people out there who are dying to play hockey and who live in Kenya. so this is for them. This may be a bit controversial as pretty much all the hockey I know of takes place at private members' clubs so if you are not a member you will have to blag your way in.
Every Tuesday night there is hockey at the Karen club at 5.30ish. It's very informal, it's played on 2 tennis courts (now happily with the posts removed, it was quite worrying before). Bring a white and a blue shirt so that you can play on both teams as games are only about 7 minutes long and teams keep changing. People generally stay afterwards for a drink in the bar. The best bet if you are not a member at Karen is to try to find someone who is. If you know anyone I've mentioned on this blog try them, if not you could always go to the Chequered Flag in Westlands and ask Seb to become your friend.
There is also hockey on a wednesday night at the Nairobi club. I think this is a bit more structured and they possibly even have matches. I never went there.


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